Five Years Ago…

June 28, 2013 at 7:45 PM 3 comments

Before I had any idea Graham wrote a post, I wrote this one.  So it’s a bit of a love fest today.  Can you believe that man?  Truly the best gift I have ever received.  No, scratch that.  Best gift ever was when he got all of my friends and family to write a letter to me and put it into a book for my 30th.  Second best gift ever!!  Hands down best guy ever!!  For those of you who receive the post this morning from Graham via e-mail, and the pictures weren’t showing up, I fixed that so please take a gander…I do love my photos!!

Five years ago today, I stood before this handsome man and I said “I Do”


Little did I know what I was in for…

I didn’t know we would end our wedding reception singing “American Pie” at the top of our lungs.

I didn’t know we would sing “Friends in Low Places” on honeymoon in a Paris karaoke bar.

I didn’t know we would find the perfect one bedroom in Lincoln Park and be charmed by the red dining room.

I didn’t know we would have more fun outside the stadium at the Notre Dame/USC game than inside of it.

I didn’t know that  you would repeatedly fly from Chicago to SF for the weekend to comfort me.

I didn’t know we would stay up late with my dad and scheme for the F Fer’s club.

I didn’t know you would be with me, instead of at school in Chicago, the night my dad passed away.

I didn’t know you would tell me stories and try to distract me as I was afraid of the hippos walking outside our cabin in Botswana.

I didn’t know you would read my blog every day; let me know the days it was funny; and proof read the important ones.

I didn’t know you would strongly nudge me into asking Julia Edeleman for coffee, take me to the meeting and wait in the car to get the full report afterwards.

I didn’t know you would make me a giant book filled to the brim with letter and pictures from family and friends for my 30th birthday.

I didn’t know you would also fall enchanted with New York and fantasize with me about what neighborhood we would live in, if only we were younger.

I didn’t know you would look so dashingly handsome in a Paul Smith cardigan.

I didn’t know you would teach me to fall in love with the city by the bay.

I didn’t know we would battle with infertility and end the journey with a beautiful baby girl.

I didn’t know you would surprise me with first class tickets for our babymoon to Hawaii.

I didn’t know my favorite New Year’s Eve to date would be you, me, a large pregnant belly and a massive laughing fit.

I didn’t know we would love Josie more than ourselves from the second she was born.

I didn’t know my favorite time of day would be when I make dinner and eavesdrop to you reading to Josie.

I didn’t know my love for you would multiply tenfold.

Five years ago today, we took a plunge into a world of unknowns and boy am I glad we did!


Entry filed under: Uncategorized.

To You… Summertime

3 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Mom  |  June 28, 2013 at 10:06 PM


  • 2. Glynnis Hayward  |  June 28, 2013 at 11:51 PM

    Happiness always and congratulations.

  • 3. Katie Waddell  |  July 1, 2013 at 11:49 AM

    Aw, so so sweet!! Congrats to you and Graham!!!!


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